Stay up to date with all the latest happeningsĀ in Taplow. If you have an event you would like to add, please fill in the online form here.
Mon16Jan20238:00 pmLarkspur, Mill Lane
Executive Committee meeting. Let the secretary know if you wish to rise anything
Mon20Feb20238:00 pmLarkspur, Mill Lane
Executive Committee meeting. Let the secretary know if you wish to rise anything
Mon13Mar20238:00 pmLarkspur, Mill Lane
Executive Committee meeting. Let the secretary know if you wish to raise anything
Mon17Apr20238:00 pmLarkspur, Mill Lane
Executive Committee meeting. Let the secretary know if you wish to raise anything
Tue09May20238:00 pmVillage Hall
All welcome to hear reports on the council's activities and to ask questions
Mon15May20238:00 pmLarkspur, Mill Lane
Executive Committee meeting. Let the secretary know if you wish to raise anything
Sat24Jun20236:00 pmThe Village Green
The Village Green Party
Country dancing to a live band. Ox roast / barbecue. Raffle
Bring your own drink and chairs.
More details and tickets on our Village Green Party page. -
Mon13Nov20238:00 pmLarkspur, Mill Lane
Executive Committee meeting. Let the secretary know if you wish to rise anything
Wed06Dec20238:00 pmThe Village Hall
AGM of the Society
Committee reports
Election of officers and committee
Guest speaker -